
IGN Top 100 Modern Games

1 Mass Effect 2
2 Bioshock
3 Red Dead Redemption
4 Super Mario Galaxy 2
5 Portal 2
6 Fallout 3
7 Uncharted 2
8 Assassin Creed 2
9 Batman Arkham Asylum
10 Super Smash Brothers Brawl
11 GTA 4
12 Half Life 2 Ep. 2
13 Pac Man Champs. Ed. DX
14 Halo Reach
15 New Super Mario Bros.
16 Heavy Rain
17 Left For Dead 2
18 Elders Scrolls 4
19 COD 4 Modern Warfare
20 Dead Space

The rest of the list can be seen here.

Well, some very bad choices such as why Gamespot's game of the year 2010, Demon Souls, is at last place (100th), why Dragon Age Origins is at 91th and where is Metal Gears Solid 4?

Well for the last question, I think IGN only allows 1 game per Franchise. Since MGS 3 already in the list, well MGS 4 will not. This is a great move to avoid Mario from dominate the list too much lol.

However, from my point of view, top ten games absolutely deserve their spot there in their respective orders. Mass Effect 2, Bioshock and Red Dead Redemption should be the top 3 modern games. Great job IGN!


SepticTank.co.uk said...

I will have to check some of those games out, thanks from The Sewage Treatment Man

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