The time is 12.50am September 17th 2008.
Yesterday was Malaysia day. 45 years ago Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined Malaya to form Malaysia. It was the day all Malaysia will remember especially those who live in Sabah and Sarawak.
16th of September 2008 was a day to remember for some reasonS:
1) Stock market of the world tumble with bad news on Lehman Brothers (NYSE:Leh), America International Group(NYSE:AIG) and the financial stocks.
2) News on middle east as intelligence suggests Iran worked on nuclear missile.
3) The Mexican prison riot.
4) The Ike storm hurt the US and oil industries as oil refineries are forced to shut down.
5) Thailand political chaos.
But for Malaysian, today is probably the most important day of the year as the Pakatan Rakyat led by Anwar Ibrahim said they have more than enough MP to form a new government. FYI, they will need at least 30 MPs from Barisan National led by UMNO and Abdullah.
On 15th September 2008, Anwar said he will make a big announcement and eventually he said he have more than 31 MPs from BN and a new government is coming.
So i believe most if not all Malaysian are patiently awaited the take over party by the opposition party although the ruling coalition party keep saying that nothing will happen to Malaysia Government.
The big moment came at 2.00pm when Anwar had a press conference at PKR HQ at Petaling Jaya and said he had to delay the power transition process for a few days for smooth transition.
I still Remember Anwar's speech on April the 25th 2008: “God willing, we will be there. If not next month, the following month, then if not June or July, (it will be) on Merdeka (Aug 31) or Malaysia Day. I think we should not go beyond that (Sept 16),".Yet we were forced to wait "few more days" for that to happen.
On the other hand, Anwar said many times that he already has enough crossover MP from BN for him to form a new and "improved" government.
So it all come down to who you trust, Anwar or Abdullah?
Well i guest after a peace and calm September 16th 2008, many Malaysian will change their view before and distrusted Anwar as they so eager to have a Pakatan Rakyat Government they can't wait any longer than 16/9/2008.
So we shall wait for another "few more days" for that to happen. As David Beckham once said "never say never" so don't rule out anything yet as the fun has just begun. For the first time in Malaysia history, the ruling BN will have a strong enough opposition party to fight against.
For Barisan National Government, their MP and supporters, congratulation, you proved anwar wrong today and wish you all the best in ruling Malaysia for a better tomorrow.
For Pakatan Rakyat, their MP and especially their supporters, today you might be the second best but we know you done the best you can. You have waited your life for a better Malaysia and why can't you wait a little more while. Don't hate anybody because nothing happened on 16/9/2008, trust you leader and i am sure they will do the best for you.
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