
Another Round Of Rate Cut

Half an hour ago, Federal Reserve announced that the key rate will be slashed by another 50 basis point to 150 basis point. Together with fed are European Central Bank and four other central banks.

Well for those who follow my advice yesterday and bought, take this opportunity to sell.

After 700 billion dollar wasted, Fed continue their hilarious move by cut the key rate by 50 basis point!!! How much more they can cut? Why they cut?

Fed have lowered the key rate from 5.25 to 2.00 in less than 1 year but sluggish economy condition remain and now they hope 50 basis point more will save the economy???????


If 325 basis point and trillions of dollar didn't help the economy, how can 50 basis point does that? It just can't.

Sure we know the immediate effect of rate cut is jump in stock market and then what? It come down even sharper. The whole problem started when Fed led by Greenspan cut the key rate to 1.00 and created the giant credit bubble and guest what, they repeat the move.

Sometime i feel funny why Those Fed Official can't think logically, are they educated well, are they sane, are they can't handle the political pressure? Are they bought a lot of share? Are they in the short term irrational situation just like everybody else on CNBC and Bloomberg, Are they slave to wall street millionaire?

So many possibility but the ending is the same: another round of down turn.

Remember, take this opportunity to sell for those who bought some yesterday, you might not be so lucky!

1 comment:

Paras Tierea The Rize said...

This is one of the best blogs Ive ever read. Youve got some mad skill here, man. I just hope that you dont lose your style because youre definitely one of the coolest bloggers out there.
Paras Tierea sec 137
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